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HI RonnieI found myself in a similiar situation of what to activate. As this is master data and can easily be deleted via NWBC or mass updated I chose to activate them allMy approachActivate all BC Sets for Rule Set (except for non-SAP systems as they are not in my landscape - JDE, PSOFT and ORACLE)Export the rulesets and work with Internal Controls to determine which risks are application to our systemCreate a new RulesetCopy the SAP standard risk into my new rulesetWork again with Internal Controls to identify any other risks which are not in the rule set (in particular custom transaction codes or SU24 value changes)My reasons:Able to see the full list of SAP standard ruleset to analyse as starting pointin this case for a BC set it's \\\\\\\"master data\\\\\\\" and can be easily modifiedWhen SAP releases new changes/recommendations I can add them to the GLOBAL ruleset and then compare them to my custom rulesetConsider future growth of SAP system - what if you organisation decides HR ruleset is now importance or a new module is incorporate into your system By having the global rulset there as a comparison you can easily identify new proposed functions and risks and update your custom rulsetSo by activating them all you ultimately review them all and make a complete and comprehensive decision of which ones you do requireAlternatively, you can choose to activate none and build you ruleset from the beginning. I'm not sure if anyone has chosen this option as SAP has started the work for youWhat is the difference in themIn relation to difference between the sets, again you can look at the contents of the BC sets before you activate them. You may want to export the data and analyse it before you are comfortable to advise your BASIS team to activate them. You can also choose to compare the BC rulesets to see the difference between themThe key difference I see with them is the connector group (not sure if you had 3 sets but think you mentioned one twice) - GRAC_RA_RULESET_SAP_R3 is for SAP_R3_LGGRAC_RA_RULESET_SAP_ECCS is for SAP_ECC_LGThe BC sets for each area can be updated the same functions (e.g a function could cover different systems).\\\",\\\"author\\\":{\\\"username\\\":\\\"m.lee\\\",\\\"displayName\\\":\\\"Colleen Hebbert\\\",\\\"groupIcons\\\":[{\\\"name\\\":\\\"mentor\\\",\\\"title\\\":\\\"This user is an SAP Mentor\\\",\\\"priority\\\":18},{\\\"name\\\":\\\"moderator\\\",\\\"title\\\":\\\"This user is an SAP Moderator\\\",\\\"priority\\\":20}],\\\"suspended\\\":false,\\\"isCurrentUser\\\":false},\\\"parentAuthor\\\":{\\\"username\\\":\\\"former.member\\\",\\\"displayName\\\":\\\"Former Member\\\",\\\"groupIcons\\\":[],\\\"suspended\\\":true,\\\"isCurrentUser\\\":false},\\\"id\\\":9955416,\\\"creationDate\\\":1366500099000,\\\"activeRevisionId\\\":10663155,\\\"lastActivity\\\":1366500101000,\\\"parentId\\\":9953581,\\\"originalParentId\\\":9952081,\\\"likeCount\\\":0,\\\"visibility\\\":\\\"full\\\",\\\"depth\\\":0,\\\"attachments\\\":[],\\\"canVoteUpOrCancel\\\":false,\\\"relations\\\":{\\\"canReport\\\":false,\\\"visibility\\\":\\\"full\\\",\\\"canEdit\\\":false,\\\"canUseDelete\\\":false,\\\"isLiked\\\":false,\\\"type\\\":\\\"comment\\\",\\\"canVoteUpOrCancel\\\":false,\\\"canConvertToAnswer\\\":false,\\\"canBeModerated\\\":false,\\\"canViewRevisions\\\":false,\\\"showInReply\\\":false,\\\"reported\\\":false,\\\"canCancelReport\\\":false,\\\"canDelete\\\":false,\\\"canVoteDownOrCancel\\\":false,\\\"canComment\\\":false,\\\"canViewReports\\\":false,\\\"isCurrentUserAuthor\\\":false},\\\"liked\\\":false,\\\"moderatorComment\\\":false}]},\\\"9952957\\\":{\\\"rootParentId\\\":9952957,\\\"commentsCount\\\":2,\\\"comments\\\":[{\\\"body\\\":\\\"HI PaulGenerate Rule Set yes that is that program/transactionBC Sets populate the IMG data. In the GRAC_RULESET* tables these populate the proposed SAP SoD Rule set. the guides and GRC material will have a section on the SoD Rule sets. After you make a change to the rule set (function, risk or rule set) you must generate the rule set (updates some other tables) for it You can either use the transaction you listed or you can go into NWBC Master Data for Function or Risk and select them and press generate button.You aren't really generating the BC set (hence why post-implementation guide does not tell you to do this). You are actually working through the Risk Analysis and Remediation configuration setup.Deactivating a BC SetYou do this by removing the configuration. For the JDE/etc ones you can rule the Rule Deletion program \\\\\\\"Delete SoD Rules\\\\\\\". However, before you run this you must complete the generate step (it was mentioned in GRC300 course guide - I suspect it's to do with what sequence the deletion program hits the tables)The rule set configuration for RAR is a bit different to most BC activation/deactivation as it's really master data instead of configuration, although mass maintenance for rule sets is accessible via IMG.For the deletion you can choose the JDE_LG, etc values.\\\",\\\"author\\\":{\\\"username\\\":\\\"m.lee\\\",\\\"displayName\\\":\\\"Colleen Hebbert\\\",\\\"groupIcons\\\":[{\\\"name\\\":\\\"mentor\\\",\\\"title\\\":\\\"This user is an SAP Mentor\\\",\\\"priority\\\":18},{\\\"name\\\":\\\"moderator\\\",\\\"title\\\":\\\"This user is an SAP Moderator\\\",\\\"priority\\\":20}],\\\"suspended\\\":false,\\\"isCurrentUser\\\":false},\\\"parentAuthor\\\":{\\\"username\\\":\\\"former.member\\\",\\\"displayName\\\":\\\"Former Member\\\",\\\"groupIcons\\\":[],\\\"suspended\\\":true,\\\"isCurrentUser\\\":false},\\\"id\\\":10011227,\\\"creationDate\\\":1368751460000,\\\"activeRevisionId\\\":10709208,\\\"lastActivity\\\":1368751812000,\\\"parentId\\\":9995198,\\\"originalParentId\\\":9952081,\\\"likeCount\\\":0,\\\"visibility\\\":\\\"full\\\",\\\"depth\\\":0,\\\"attachments\\\":[],\\\"canVoteUpOrCancel\\\":false,\\\"relations\\\":{\\\"canReport\\\":false,\\\"visibility\\\":\\\"full\\\",\\\"canEdit\\\":false,\\\"canUseDelete\\\":false,\\\"isLiked\\\":false,\\\"type\\\":\\\"comment\\\",\\\"canVoteUpOrCancel\\\":false,\\\"canConvertToAnswer\\\":false,\\\"canBeModerated\\\":false,\\\"canViewRevisions\\\":false,\\\"showInReply\\\":false,\\\"reported\\\":false,\\\"canCancelReport\\\":false,\\\"canDelete\\\":false,\\\"canVoteDownOrCancel\\\":false,\\\"canComment\\\":false,\\\"canViewReports\\\":false,\\\"isCurrentUserAuthor\\\":false},\\\"liked\\\":false,\\\"moderatorComment\\\":false}]}}\"); const simplifiedQuestionView = JSON.parse(\"true\"); (function() { window.pageContext = mergeDeep(pageContext, { question: { id: 9952081, plug: \"grc-10-ac-bc-sets-implications-and-suggestions\", votes: 1, questionTitle: \"GRC 10 AC BC Sets: Implications and suggestions.\", isClosed: false, isLocked: false, isRedirected: false, redirectedFromTitle: \"\", redirectedFromId: \"\", closedStatusData: JSON.parse(\"{}\"), userVoted: false, relations: JSON.parse(\"{\\\"canClose\\\":false,\\\"canUnredirect\\\":false,\\\"canReport\\\":false,\\\"visibility\\\":\\\"full\\\",\\\"canEdit\\\":false,\\\"canUseDelete\\\":false,\\\"canReopen\\\":false,\\\"type\\\":\\\"question\\\",\\\"canVoteUpOrCancel\\\":false,\\\"canViewRevisions\\\":true,\\\"score\\\":1,\\\"canUnlock\\\":false,\\\"reported\\\":false,\\\"canVoteDownOrCancel\\\":false,\\\"canLock\\\":false,\\\"canCancelReport\\\":false,\\\"canComment\\\":true,\\\"isCurrentUserAuthor\\\":false,\\\"canViewReports\\\":false}\"), isQuestionAccepted: true }, childToViewInfo: { id: \"\" }, comments: JSON.parse(\"{\\\"9952981\\\":{\\\"rootParentId\\\":9952981,\\\"commentsCount\\\":2,\\\"comments\\\":[{\\\"body\\\":\\\"HI RonnieI found myself in a similiar situation of what to activate. As this is master data and can easily be deleted via NWBC or mass updated I chose to activate them allMy approachActivate all BC Sets for Rule Set (except for non-SAP systems as they are not in my landscape - JDE, PSOFT and ORACLE)Export the rulesets and work with Internal Controls to determine which risks are application to our systemCreate a new RulesetCopy the SAP standard risk into my new rulesetWork again with Internal Controls to identify any other risks which are not in the rule set (in particular custom transaction codes or SU24 value changes)My reasons:Able to see the full list of SAP standard ruleset to analyse as starting pointin this case for a BC set it's \\\\\\\"master data\\\\\\\" and can be easily modifiedWhen SAP releases new changes/recommendations I can add them to the GLOBAL ruleset and then compare them to my custom rulesetConsider future growth of SAP system - what if you organisation decides HR ruleset is now importance or a new module is incorporate into your system By having the global rulset there as a comparison you can easily identify new proposed functions and risks and update your custom rulsetSo by activating them all you ultimately review them all and make a complete and comprehensive decision of which ones you do requireAlternatively, you can choose to activate none and build you ruleset from the beginning. I'm not sure if anyone has chosen this option as SAP has started the work for youWhat is the difference in themIn relation to difference between the sets, again you can look at the contents of the BC sets before you activate them. You may want to export the data and analyse it before you are comfortable to advise your BASIS team to activate them. You can also choose to compare the BC rulesets to see the difference between themThe key difference I see with them is the connector group (not sure if you had 3 sets but think you mentioned one twice) - GRAC_RA_RULESET_SAP_R3 is for SAP_R3_LGGRAC_RA_RULESET_SAP_ECCS is for SAP_ECC_LGThe BC sets for each area can be updated the same functions (e.g a function could cover different systems).\\\",\\\"author\\\":{\\\"username\\\":\\\"m.lee\\\",\\\"displayName\\\":\\\"Colleen Hebbert\\\",\\\"groupIcons\\\":[{\\\"name\\\":\\\"mentor\\\",\\\"title\\\":\\\"This user is an SAP Mentor\\\",\\\"priority\\\":18},{\\\"name\\\":\\\"moderator\\\",\\\"title\\\":\\\"This user is an SAP Moderator\\\",\\\"priority\\\":20}],\\\"suspended\\\":false,\\\"isCurrentUser\\\":false},\\\"parentAuthor\\\":{\\\"username\\\":\\\"former.member\\\",\\\"displayName\\\":\\\"Former Member\\\",\\\"groupIcons\\\":[],\\\"suspended\\\":true,\\\"isCurrentUser\\\":false},\\\"id\\\":9955416,\\\"creationDate\\\":1366500099000,\\\"activeRevisionId\\\":10663155,\\\"lastActivity\\\":1366500101000,\\\"parentId\\\":9953581,\\\"originalParentId\\\":9952081,\\\"likeCount\\\":0,\\\"visibility\\\":\\\"full\\\",\\\"depth\\\":0,\\\"attachments\\\":[],\\\"canVoteUpOrCancel\\\":false,\\\"relations\\\":{\\\"canReport\\\":false,\\\"visibility\\\":\\\"full\\\",\\\"canEdit\\\":false,\\\"canUseDelete\\\":false,\\\"isLiked\\\":false,\\\"type\\\":\\\"comment\\\",\\\"canVoteUpOrCancel\\\":false,\\\"canConvertToAnswer\\\":false,\\\"canBeModerated\\\":false,\\\"canViewRevisions\\\":false,\\\"showInReply\\\":false,\\\"reported\\\":false,\\\"canCancelReport\\\":false,\\\"canDelete\\\":false,\\\"canVoteDownOrCancel\\\":false,\\\"canComment\\\":false,\\\"canViewReports\\\":false,\\\"isCurrentUserAuthor\\\":false},\\\"liked\\\":false,\\\"moderatorComment\\\":false}]},\\\"9952957\\\":{\\\"rootParentId\\\":9952957,\\\"commentsCount\\\":2,\\\"comments\\\":[{\\\"body\\\":\\\"HI PaulGenerate Rule Set yes that is that program/transactionBC Sets populate the IMG data. In the GRAC_RULESET* tables these populate the proposed SAP SoD Rule set. the guides and GRC material will have a section on the SoD Rule sets. After you make a change to the rule set (function, risk or rule set) you must generate the rule set (updates some other tables) for it You can either use the transaction you listed or you can go into NWBC Master Data for Function or Risk and select them and press generate button.You aren't really generating the BC set (hence why post-implementation guide does not tell you to do this). You are actually working through the Risk Analysis and Remediation configuration setup.Deactivating a BC SetYou do this by removing the configuration. For the JDE/etc ones you can rule the Rule Deletion program \\\\\\\"Delete SoD Rules\\\\\\\". However, before you run this you must complete the generate step (it was mentioned in GRC300 course guide - I suspect it's to do with what sequence the deletion program hits the tables)The rule set configuration for RAR is a bit different to most BC activation/deactivation as it's really master data instead of configuration, although mass maintenance for rule sets is accessible via IMG.For the deletion you can choose the JDE_LG, etc values.\\\",\\\"author\\\":{\\\"username\\\":\\\"m.lee\\\",\\\"displayName\\\":\\\"Colleen Hebbert\\\",\\\"groupIcons\\\":[{\\\"name\\\":\\\"mentor\\\",\\\"title\\\":\\\"This user is an SAP Mentor\\\",\\\"priority\\\":18},{\\\"name\\\":\\\"moderator\\\",\\\"title\\\":\\\"This user is an SAP Moderator\\\",\\\"priority\\\":20}],\\\"suspended\\\":false,\\\"isCurrentUser\\\":false},\\\"parentAuthor\\\":{\\\"username\\\":\\\"former.member\\\",\\\"displayName\\\":\\\"Former Member\\\",\\\"groupIcons\\\":[],\\\"suspended\\\":true,\\\"isCurrentUser\\\":false},\\\"id\\\":10011227,\\\"creationDate\\\":1368751460000,\\\"activeRevisionId\\\":10709208,\\\"lastActivity\\\":1368751812000,\\\"parentId\\\":9995198,\\\"originalParentId\\\":9952081,\\\"likeCount\\\":0,\\\"visibility\\\":\\\"full\\\",\\\"depth\\\":0,\\\"attachments\\\":[],\\\"canVoteUpOrCancel\\\":false,\\\"relations\\\":{\\\"canReport\\\":false,\\\"visibility\\\":\\\"full\\\",\\\"canEdit\\\":false,\\\"canUseDelete\\\":false,\\\"isLiked\\\":false,\\\"type\\\":\\\"comment\\\",\\\"canVoteUpOrCancel\\\":false,\\\"canConvertToAnswer\\\":false,\\\"canBeModerated\\\":false,\\\"canViewRevisions\\\":false,\\\"showInReply\\\":false,\\\"reported\\\":false,\\\"canCancelReport\\\":false,\\\"canDelete\\\":false,\\\"canVoteDownOrCancel\\\":false,\\\"canComment\\\":false,\\\"canViewReports\\\":false,\\\"isCurrentUserAuthor\\\":false},\\\"liked\\\":false,\\\"moderatorComment\\\":false}]}}\"), answerPager: { answersCount: 2, page: 1, pageSize: 10, pageCount: 1, sort: \"votes\" }, answers: JSON.parse(\"[{\\\"body\\\":\\\"Hi Ronnie,Just to add what Colleen rightly said.... SAP provides standard best practices rules and if you would like to use them, you need to activate the Rules BC Sets.If you don't activate these and would like to have your own Custom created rules, that would be absolutely okay. You can create your own functions, risks, ruleset based upon your company rules regulation and use them for running risk analysis.If you would like to use standard ruleset, you need to first activate BC Set GRAC_RA_RULESET_COMMON. This is a base of all the rules. So once this is activated, you can activate other required BC Sets based upon your landscape setup. R3 BC set covers all the SAP system rules. ORelse, if your landscape has only HR or Non-HR, you can activate those based upon your requriements.You may also would like to review below document which talks about First Risk Analysis and it's setup. -9666-2e10-33a4-b6b003dac3cbQuickLink=index&overridelayout=true&50968377363826Hope this helps.Thanks & RegardsNeeraj \\\",\\\"author\\\":{\\\"username\\\":\\\"neeraj.manocha\\\",\\\"displayName\\\":\\\"Neeraj Manocha\\\",\\\"groupIcons\\\":[{\\\"name\\\":\\\"employee\\\",\\\"title\\\":\\\"This user is an SAP Employee\\\",\\\"priority\\\":21}],\\\"suspended\\\":false,\\\"isCurrentUser\\\":false},\\\"id\\\":9952981,\\\"posted\\\":1366346626000,\\\"votes\\\":1,\\\"isAccepted\\\":true,\\\"isLocked\\\":false,\\\"userVoted\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"relations\\\":{\\\"score\\\":1,\\\"canCancelAccept\\\":false,\\\"canUnlock\\\":false,\\\"canUseDelete\\\":false,\\\"accepted\\\":true,\\\"canVoteDownOrCancel\\\":false,\\\"canLock\\\":false,\\\"canAccept\\\":false,\\\"type\\\":\\\"answer\\\",\\\"canVoteUpOrCancel\\\":false,\\\"isCurrentUserAuthor\\\":false},\\\"attachments\\\":[]},{\\\"body\\\":\\\"Hi RonnieThese BC sets would populate the Function and Risk definition for the GLOBAL ruleset in RAR. They are the SAP delivered baseline. I cannot see how not activating them would cause system issues. These BC sets are a starting point for creating your SoD Matrix. You would still need to go in and review the matrix and maintain (there was a good discussion in this community a couple of weeks relating to this topic).In relation to you comment \\\\\\\"would not like to define any risks/rules\\\\\\\" you have two options should you activate them:Go in and deactivate each risk you don't want to useCreate a New Rule set in RAR by copying the risks from the standard ruleset and run your risk analysis on this rule set instead of globalBoth of these activities can be completed in NWBC or via mass load in IMG.SAP has a note about their ruleset: Note 986996 - GRC Access Control- Best Practice for Rules and RisksIf you are still unsure it might be worth looking at the BC Set via transaction SCPR20 so you can see which tables are impacted.\\\",\\\"author\\\":{\\\"username\\\":\\\"m.lee\\\",\\\"displayName\\\":\\\"Colleen Hebbert\\\",\\\"groupIcons\\\":[{\\\"name\\\":\\\"mentor\\\",\\\"title\\\":\\\"This user is an SAP Mentor\\\",\\\"priority\\\":18},{\\\"name\\\":\\\"moderator\\\",\\\"title\\\":\\\"This user is an SAP Moderator\\\",\\\"priority\\\":20}],\\\"suspended\\\":false,\\\"isCurrentUser\\\":false},\\\"id\\\":9952957,\\\"posted\\\":1366342247000,\\\"votes\\\":1,\\\"isAccepted\\\":false,\\\"isLocked\\\":false,\\\"userVoted\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"relations\\\":{\\\"score\\\":1,\\\"canCancelAccept\\\":false,\\\"canUnlock\\\":false,\\\"canUseDelete\\\":false,\\\"canVoteDownOrCancel\\\":false,\\\"canLock\\\":false,\\\"canAccept\\\":false,\\\"type\\\":\\\"answer\\\",\\\"canVoteUpOrCancel\\\":false,\\\"isCurrentUserAuthor\\\":false},\\\"attachments\\\":[]}]\"), answerForm: { formAction: \"/answers/9952081/post.json\", textareaName: \"body\", textareaErrors: \"\", isAttachmentsEnabled: true, answerEditorialGuideline: { title: \"Before answering\", content: \"You should only submit an answer when you are proposing a solution to the poster\\'s problem. 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During this time no engagement activities will be available on SAP Community Groups.During this time, you can connect and explore other areas of SAP Community.initAnnouncement({ typeId: 'global-announcement', containerId: 'global-announcement', version: 89, startDate: '2023-03-29T15:19:04.000Z', endDate: '2023-04-02T05:00:09.000Z' }); Home Community Ask a Question Write a Blog Post Login / Sign-up Search Questions and Answers 1 Former Member Apr 18, 2013 at 02:49 PM GRC 10 AC BC Sets: Implications and suggestions. 3349 Views Follow RSS Feed Dear experts, 59ce067264